Share Photo Library Mac Multiple Users
- Move Photo Library Mac
- Share Photos With Other Users On Mac
- Share Photo Library Mac Multiple Users List
- Export Photos Library Mac
Apr 22, 2015 How to use multiple photo libraries with Photos for Mac. Photos for Mac lets you work with multiple libraries. Learn how to choose a default library, open another library, and merge multiple. Jun 29, 2016 Other macOS users can do the same steps outlined above to share files with you, the Mac administrator, or with other standard users on the computer. When you need a free and efficient way to share a file(s) with multiple users on your Mac, there’s no better way than using Apple’s own file-sharing features that are built into. Jan 29, 2018 We want to share a Photos Library between two Users /Logins (on the same iMac) under macOS 10.13. Have successfully moved the Pictures/Photos.photoslibrary from User1 to the Shared directory. And adjusted Permissions. No problem for User1, but the same Photo Library still can't be accessed by User2 for some reason.
Aug 07, 2019 I know iTunes Match does not support Family Sharing, but we we both want to be able to share the same iTunes Match account, we want all of our photos to go into one iCloud Photo Library account, we want a shared calendar, and we want separate Messages and FaceTime settings. Mar 03, 2019 While iCloud Photos is a great service, iCloud Photo Family Sharing is still missing for families who want to share an entire library with their spouse.
I've had a multi-Mac household pretty much since college, rocking a laptop and desktop in addition to miscellaneous iOS devices throughout the years. Dropbox and iCloud sync made most of the pains of using several Macs disappear, but iPhoto was always a problem. My laptop is tiny! My iPhoto library, not so much.
Thankfully, Photos for Mac — paired with iCloud Photo Library's Optimize Storage feature — makes working with and syncing multiple Macs a breeze. Here's how you can do it.
How to use Photos and iCloud Photo Library with multiple Macs
Here's a quick, simple breakdown on setting up your Macs to support Photos and iCloud Photo Library.
I recommend starting with your biggest iPhoto library; it'll usually be on your desktop Mac. When you open Photos for the first time, your library should import automatically; if it prompts you to create a new library, your Photos library may be stored in another location on your Mac, and you may need to manually open it.
Once you've imported your biggest library on your Mac, make sure iCloud Photo Library is turned on and syncing. You can do this by following these steps:
- Launch Photos on your Mac.
- Click Photos in the menu bar.
Select Preferences (or do this quicker by pressing ⌘,).
Source: iMore
Click on the iCloud tab.
Source: iMore
Check off the box for iCloud Photos.
- You can also check off the box for Download Originals to this Mac if you have the space.
- You can check off Optimize Mac Storage to save space on your Mac by only saving a percentage of images and video locally — the rest will be thumbnails that you can click on to download when you want to.
Source: iMore
Now, open your other Mac, and launch Photos. If you have an iPhoto library on that secondary Mac, follow the same steps as above — import your library, then turn on iCloud Photo Library. If you have duplicates of the same photo on each computer, iCloud should automatically resolve those conflicts when it syncs, providing you with just one version of your photos when the sync process finishes.
If you don't have an iPhoto library on your secondary Mac, create a new library in Photos and turn on iCloud Photo Library. If you want to save storage space on this secondary Mac, make sure Optimize Mac Storage is selected: This will save a certain percentage of images and video locally to your device, while providing thumbnails of all the others for you to download at your leisure.
After you've set up all your Macs with Photos and the sync process has finished, you're now good to go. From here on out, any time you add photos, they'll sync to every computer you've set up with Photos.
What syncs, what doesn't sync
Photos for Mac syncs a lot more than just your original photos and videos. According to a support document on, here's what else you should expect to see sync:
- All folders and albums
- Smart Albums
- Keywords
- Memories
- Searchable keywords
- Key photo selections
Move Photo Library Mac
There are a few things iCloud Photo Library won't sync, however. Here's Apple's list:
- Books, cards, calendars, and slideshows
- Keyword shortcuts
- Unused keywords
- Last imported album on the Mac in question
- Names and faces in the People album
For those not using iCloud Photo Library
If you've chosen not to enable iCloud Photo Library, Apple still offers you free syncing of your last 1000 photos via My Photo Stream, which doesn't count toward your iCloud disk space.
This will sync and download images you've imported or taken on other devices, but you won't have the option to optimize your storage or sync your albums.
Octoober 2019: Updated for macOS Catalina.
Serenity Caldwell contributed to an earlier version of this guide.
macOS Catalina
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Apple's iCloud service offers a fantastic feature for family groups called Family Sharing: It lets you share storage space, purchase accounts, Apple Music subscriptions, and more between multiple iCloud users — including managed accounts for younger children.
Family Sharing also integrates with Apple's free iCloud Photo Sharing feature to provide your family with a secure shared album where you can share images and video. Each family member has their own separate iCloud Photo Library or Photo Stream library, but the Family album allows them a space to store communal photos, images, and video.
Here's how to use iCloud Photo Sharing in tandem with Family Sharing to access the Family album on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
Note: Before proceeding, make sure you've turned on iCloud Photo Sharing — you won't be able to use the Family album if it's not enabled. You don't have to use iCloud Photo Library to turn on sharing if you prefer another syncing alternative.
How to view the Family album on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
Want to see what your family members have already added to this album? You'll want to open the Shared section of your Photos app.
The user library's location is here: Macintosh HD Users YourUserName LibraryOnly one problem The User Library is hidden From view in the latest versions of the OS. By default, the User Library folder is hidden in Mac OS 10.7 and above. We'll cover a few different methods to easily access this hidden folder.The User Library is home to many 'under the hood' files and folders that correspond to the various Apps and system processes in your computer. Pasta library no mac. (Lion / Mountain Lion and above)Most users won't need to get into this important folder, and it was Apple's idea to hide the folder, to prevent novice users from accidentally trashing important docs.
On iPhone or iPad
- Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on the Shared tab.
Select the Family album. (If you can't see it, you may be in the Activity view: Tap on the Shared arrow in the upper left corner to return to album view.)
On your Mac
- Launch Photos on your Mac.
- Under the Shared section of the Sidebar, click Shared Albums.
Select the Family album.
How to add new photos or video to the Family album on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
When you want to add images to your Family album, you'll do so like pretty much any other album addition.
On your iPhone or iPad
- Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on the Shared tab.
Select the Family album. Mac find location of library. (If you can't see it, you may be in the Activity view: Tap on the Shared arrow in the upper left corner to return to album view.)
- Tap on the plus sign.
- Tap the photos you want to add and then tap Done in the upper right corner.
Type a description if you'd like, and then tap Post in the pop-up window.
On your Mac
- Launch Photos on your Mac.
- Click the photos you want to share with family (shift-click or command-click to select multiple).
- Click the share button on the upper right of the window. It's a box with an upward arrow.
- Click iCloud Photo Sharing.
Click Family. The images will then sync over to your family member's device.
Share Photos With Other Users On Mac
How to remove photos or video from the Family album on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
No longer want an image or video in your Family album? Any member of the family can delete content from the album at any time.
On your iPhone or iPad
- Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on the Shared tab.
Select the Family album. (If you can't see it, you may be in the Activity view: Tap on the Shared arrow in the upper left corner to return to album view.)
- Tap Select in the upper right corner.
Tap the photos or video you want to delete.
- Tap the Trash icon in the bottom right corner.
Tap Delete [X] Photos to confirm that you want to delete the selected photos.
Share Photo Library Mac Multiple Users List
On your Mac
- Launch the Photos app on your Mac.
- Click on Shared Albums in the sidebar.
- Select the Family album.
- Select the images you wish to delete.
- Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Click on Delete to confirm that you want to remove the photo from the shared album.
Let us know in the comments below!
Updated May 2018: Updated for both Mac and iOS.
iCloud Photo Library: The Ultimate Guide
🍎 ❤️Export Photos Library Mac
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