Mac Add Ld_library_path
- Export Ld Library Path
- Cmake Add Library Path
- Ld Library Path Linux
- Python Ld Library Path
- Ld Library Path
In computing, rpath designates the run-time search path hard-coded in an executable file or library. Dynamic linking loaders use the rpath to find required libraries. Specifically, it encodes a path to shared libraries into the header of an executable. This RPATH header value may either override or supplement the system default dynamic linking search paths. The rpath of an executable or shared library is an. Apr 30, 2000 Setting PATH and LDLIBRARYPATH for the tcsh shell Setting PATH and LDLIBRARYPATH for the bash shell Type the following to see if /usr/local/bin is already in your path. Aug 11, 2013 The /etc/ contains lib settings which can be used to add or delete paths. However, you need to simply drop your config file in /etc/ directory and it will be used by /sbin/ldconfig to configure dynamic linker run time bindings.
Mar 03, 2017 Are you setting LDLIBRARYPATH in your startup scripts for your shell (.bashrc)? One annoyance on OS X is that it invokes Applications with launchctl and does not create a shell for you. The shell-env was put in place to work around this issue by spawning a shell for the user. In shell scripts used for unit testing with dynamic libraries in a directory other than the typical @rpath, I have previously been able to set DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH to set the directory containing the libraries. Under 10.11.1, bash seems to ignore attempts to set this environment variable.
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5 Setting environment variables
On Windows, TOMLAB requires the directory tomlab/shared to be included in the environment variable PATH.
On Linux, TOMLAB requires the tomlab/shared folder to be present in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. If TOMLAB is installed with super-user privileges on Linux, the installer will add a ldconfig entry to /etc/, eliminating the need for manual manipulation of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
It is possible to set this in several ways.
5.1 Shared libraries path
The library search path environment variable name differs betweendifferent systems:
- Windows: PATH
Export Ld Library Path
TOMLAB for Mac OS X does not currently require the corresponding variable to be set, due to all binaries having hard-coded paths to their respective dependencies. This, on the other hand, demands that binary files in the TOMLAB directory are not moved from their locations.
The way environment variables are set varies depending on operating systems and shells.
5.1.1 Windows
To set the PATH environment variable permanently on Windows,do: Control Panel → System → Advanced→ Environment Variables. Assuming TOMLAB was installedin C:tomlab, append (or prepend) C:tomlabshared separated to the otherentries with a semi-colon (;) to the PATH environmentvariable.
The PATH environment variable can also be set temporarily ina running command shell. This is done by doing
This change will only be applied in that command shell, and willtherefore be discarded when the command shell is terminated.
5.1.2 Linux systems
Cmake Add Library Path
Set on command line when invoking MATLAB:
where <ml> is the name of your MATLAB executable andtpath is the TOMLAB installation path. If LD_LIBRARY_PATHis already set to something and you wish to preserve this, includethe part in [ ] - but not the actual brackets themselves.
Ld Library Path Linux
Set in $HOME/.bashrc, $HOME/.profile, $HOME/.cshrc (or$HOME/ if it exists):
If you have an existing value in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, use a colon : toseparate directories when adding the TOMLAB directory:
If installing for multiple users as super-user, /etc/ is automatically created, eliminating the need for path manipulation.
Mac OS X installations do not require the corresponding variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set, but proper function depends on the locationof the tomlab/shared folder and its contents.
5.1.3 MATLAB 7.8+ on 64-bit Linux
A potential problem concerning shared library versions may lead to crashes when running certain TOMLAB MEX files.This is related to MATLAB and/or the runtime linker loading the wrong version of a support library.
Python Ld Library Path
The following workaround is suggested:
Start Matlab 7.8+ from a shell prompt with the following option:
In the above command, replace $TOMLAB with the path to your TOMLABinstallation, and $MATLAB78 with the name of your MATLAB 7.8binary. This may vary depending on your particular setup, e.g. ifhaving a symbolic link to the MATLAB binary or not. You may need tospecify the full path to the MATLAB installation. For example:
Ld Library Path
Additionally, if using the KNITRO solver and you experience errors about libgomp.sonot being found, add an LD_PRELOAD statement for this library too. Use locate or find to find its full path. It is not supplied with TOMLAB.